Book Title: “Fatawa Fiqhi Millat” (Islamic Legal Verdicts of the Jurist of the Ummah)
Volumes: 1 and 2
Author: Hazrat Allama Jalaluddin Ahmed Amjadi
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
Total Pages: 432
“Fatawa Fiqhi Millat” is a collection of 640 authentic Islamic legal verdicts (fatawa) that span from the book “Al-Aqaid” (The Beliefs) to “Al-Raza” (The Nursing). This meticulously compiled and corrected collection serves as a reliable reference for those seeking guidance on various matters of Islamic jurisprudence. With its comprehensive coverage, it provides answers to numerous legal and religious queries.
Published by Raza Book Center in Lahore, this valuable resource presents the religious rulings in a clear and concise manner, making it accessible to both scholars and general readers. The book offers a deep insight into the intricacies of Islamic jurisprudence, providing practical guidance for individuals seeking to uphold the teachings of Islam in their daily lives.
Whether you are a scholar, student, or a dedicated reader, “Fatawa Fiqhi Millat” is an essential addition to your library, enabling you to understand and navigate various aspects of Islamic law with confidence and accuracy.
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