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Madarij ul Nabuwat Urdu


Madarij ul Nabuwat Urdu is written by Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlavi رحمة اللّٰه علیه almost 400 years back. Sheikh رحمة اللّٰه علیه has written almost 100 books both in Persian and Arabic. His famous books include Ashria tuloomat, Shara Mishkaat and this Madarij ul Nabuwat. This book is originally in Persian and comprised of 2 volumes this Urdu translation is based on 3 volumes. This book is considered the encyclopedia of Seerat un Nabi صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم. The great Islamic scholar of the last century Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi رحمة اللّٰه علیه was once asked to write an ultimate book on seerat on which he famously replied “What you have said is good and the work is indeed great but in the presence of Madarij ul Nabuwat my work on this subject is not needed.

مدارج النبوت

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SKU: MAH-SR-00000001 Category:

48 in stock


Let’s embark on a journey of knowledge! Introducing the lovely book “Madarij ul Nabuwat ” published by Maktaba Ala Hazrat. Authored by Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Delhi and translated by Mufti Syed Ghulam Mueen ul Din Naeemi, this book holds immense value. With a total of 2096 pages, it offers a modern and beautifully composed reading experience, printed on high-quality paper and bound with excellence.

Volumes: 3

– Introduction to the Book: There is a famous anecdote associated with this book that someone with a sincere heart requested Ala Hazrat to write a comprehensive book on the biography of the Prophet (PBUH). It was suggested that such a book would be immensely beneficial and would serve as an encyclopedia of the Prophet’s (PBUH) life. However, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi stated that the idea is indeed excellent and valuable, but with the presence of Sheikh Abdul Haq Mohaddis Dehlavi’s “Madarij ul Nabuwat,” there is no need for me to write a separate book on the biography.

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